Phenomenal Women Presents:
Evolving You
at the DoubleTree Hilton - DIA
2nd Annual Gala Sponsorship
We are now requesting sponsorship for this one-of-a-kind opportunity. Phenomenal Women is an organization that catalyzes life-changing experiences for all and helps push BIPOC students between the ages of 11 and 16 toward personal and academic success. We strive to set the example that you can succeed despite obstacles. Our work is essential because we impact lives through our steadfast pillars and hands-on work that help us make a difference and strong impact daily. Our second annual Gala will allow community leaders, supporters, and influencers to come together for a night of impacting and change-making. Join us in person to help celebrate all things EVOLVING.
Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits:
Platinum - $15,000
3-minute opportunity to address the audience from the podium or show a video/ commercial / VIP experience with the keynote speaker
Prominent recognition as the Gala “Platinum Sponsor” in all media promotions and printed materials
Prominent recognition, with logo, in the Gala program and in a loop video presentation
Prominent verbal recognition and signage at the Gala
Special recognition on the Phenomenal Women website, Instagram page,and other social media
Special recognition in the Phenomenal Women newsletter
Display a table at the event with an opportunity to distribute swag or samples
Front Row placement table for 8 guests with “Platinum Sponsor” Signage
+ Drink Tickets
Diamond - $10,000
Special recognition as the Gala “Diamond Sponsor” in all media promotions and printed materials
Recognition, with logo, in the Gala program, and a loop video presentation
Verbal recognition and signage at the Gala
Recognition on the Phenomenal Women website, Instagram page, and other social media Recognition in the Phenomenal Women newsletter
Your choice to sponsor one of the following items with the displayed name recognition:
Items first come, first served: Food/Dessert, Bar, Swag Bag Gift, Entertainment
1 Table (8 tickets) with “Diamond Sponsorship” signage
+ Drink Tickets
Gold - $5,000
Verbal recognition and signage at the Gala
Program material recognition
Recognition on the Phenomenal Women website, social media, and in our newsletter
1 Table (8 tickets) with “Gold Sponsor” signage
+ Drink Tickets
Silver - $1,500
Reserved table at the event
8 tickets with shared “Silver Sponsor” signage
Drink Tickets
Recognition on the Phenomenal Women website, and
access to our 600+ subscribers, social media, and in our newsletter
Our Service Snapshot
We have worked with over 150 students through our annual youth enrichment program. Through this program, we provide our students with life skills, mentorship, and guidance to help them navigate their teenage years. Our goal is to help young women become more confident and resilient, so they can reach their fullest potential. With an emphasis on self-care, self-awareness, and self-expression, we strive to give our students the tools they need to succeed.
Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits Continued:
Student Scholarship Sponsor - $1,500
Your Sponsorship Would Cover:
1 of 10 scholarships for one of our scholarship winners
Educational necessities, such as books, computers, and school materials, to support academic success
Sponsorship includes:
Two tickets + Drink tickets
Opportunity to present the student with the scholarship check, which includes your company/organization name. Photo included
Meet and greet the scholarship winners.
$1,000 will go to the students, and $500 will go toward marketing/business exposure, a scholarship named after the business, meal + drink tickets, VIP early access, along with a meet and greet opportunity.
$1,000 will go to the students, and $500 will go toward marketing/business exposure, a scholarship named after the business, meal + drink tickets, VIP early access, along with a meet and greet opportunity.
Individual PW Supporters: $75 per Adult -
$50 Per Student
The Gala General Admission Ticket is a stunning way to start
the evening. Your formal attire deserves the most sophisticated
trappings and for a limited time only, we offer general admission
tickets to PW Supporters,
Students and Community Liaisons.
$75 per Adult
$50 Per Student W/Discount code to receive $10 off
All Tickets Include:
1 Seat Per Person
Dinner (Only sponsors receive alcohol drink tickets)
(Only sponsors receive alcoholic drink tickets) There will be a cash bar open to everyone.
If one of my guests is unable to attend, can I invite someone else at the lastYes, you can invite someone other than your original guest. Could you tell our registration table the name of the person who isn't able to attend and give them the name of your new guest? Your new guest will be issued a bidder number throughout the evening.
Will I receive my tickets in the mail?No, we do not issue tickets. You check-in upon arrival and give them your name/s. Your name and your guests' names are listed on our registration form.
Can I purchase a table without knowing the names of my guests?Yes, you will receive a code number at the bottom of your registration page. This code will allow you re-entry to your page to add your guests' names.
Can I pay for a ticket for the evening of the event?Yes, however, tables are generally full prior to our event. We encourage you to purchase your seat/s before the event.
How many seats are at each table?(8)
Where should I park?Parking details to come
What time does the event begin?Check-in and red carpet welcome begin at 6:00 p.m.
What is the dress code for the evening?A cocktail dress or evening gown and a suit or a tux.