Scholarship and Community Awards!
Our scholarships and community awards offer vital opportunities for change makers, scholars, and individuals making a positive difference in their communities. These opportunities provide financial support, recognition, and validation for their exceptional efforts and contributions. They empower these individuals to pursue their educational and community-focused goals, fostering personal growth and enabling them to make an even greater impact on society. Scholarships and awards not only acknowledge their dedication but also serve as catalysts for positive change, ultimately benefiting both the recipients and the communities they serve.

About Our Community Impact Awards
We invite you to nominate a person, group and/or organization for our 2023 2nd Annual Gala Community Awards. This award aims to elevate and lift up folks and organizations who are paving the way for others and using their individual and collective talents, gifts and resources to support the evolution of the greater Denver Metro community. No act is too small to celebration - we honor that evolution can look many different ways.

About Our Youth Scholarship
Dreams are cultivated through a growth mindset in honor of The Phenomenal Women, Inc. Scholarship. The Phenomenal Women, Inc. Scholarship was founded to honor the fantastic young women in community moving the needle forward everyday. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide young women/femme identified folks the opportunity to honor themselves, their lives and their experiences through sharing their voice with the community.
Scholarship award as of 2023:
$1,000 per recipient

2022 Gala